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Daycare Assessment
The Importance of Dog Sociability and Daycare
To attend daycare, dogs must first pass a daycare assessment. This is not only done as a safety precaution but also to make sure it is an activity that your dog would enjoy.
Daycare is not for everyone. Dogs, like humans, have their social preferences. Some people like large friend groups, others may prefer a smaller circle of friends. The same can be said for dogs.
Dog Selective
The majority of dogs are dog selective. This means they have a particular taste in who they play with and how they play. It varies from dog to dog.
Dog Social
A dog who is truly "dog social" gets along and is tolerant of all dogs.
Dog Aggressive
Dogs that are truly "dog aggressive" do not get along with most or all dogs. There is intent to do harm.
Click , fill out and email back to us at to schedule your Daycare Assessment.
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